The following players have been seen and are invited to please register by October 1 for the Magic in the Making – Rotorua session here
Rotorua Netball Centre
Player Name School
Ariahna Ngawhika John Paul College
Bonnie Paton Rotorua Girls High School
Courtney King John Paul College
Haedyn-Reeve Ruiterman Trident High School * Whakatane N C
Kahurangi Taute-Collier Rotorua Girls High School
Kayla Fox John Paul College
Liliana Wills Rotorua Girls High School
Madyson-Manaia Martin Rotorua Lakes High School
Manaia White Rotorua Girls High School
Mary Schuster Roturua Lakes High School
Moana Uerata Rotorua Girls High School
Rashae Nair Rotorua Girls High School
Rachel Rolfe John Paul College
Sharvay-Faith Rowe-Flavell Rotorua Girls High School
Sierra Harris Rotorua Girls High School
Taupo Netball Centre
Ameliya Robertson-Wylie Tauhara College
Elicia Thompson Taihape Area School
Emily Mortimer Taupo-nui-a-tia College
Joanne Nortje Taupo-nui-a-tia College
Kamaia Minhinnick Taupo-nui-a-tia College
Kelly Karaka Tauhara College
Lucy Humby Tauhara College
Mia Way-Ferguson Taupo-nui-a-tia College
Whakatane Netball Centre
Ahliyah Thompson-Harrison Whakatane High School
Danielle Moke-Kingi Trident High School
Lily Anderson Whakatane High School
Lysahn Collier Trident High School
Mariana Williams Trident High School
Mihiwai Henare Trident High School
Pukohurangi-Brez Hohapata Ngatea Trident High School
Te Whetu Allen Whakatane High School
Tira Te Whetu Trident High School
(also to register on above link but will not attend the day unless contacted by Rotorua NC if they are required) Pay on day if contacted.
Rotorua Netball Centre
Amara Chrissohou Rotorua Girls High School
Aliyah Stone-Taylor Te Kura O Te Koutu
Hariru Smith Te Kura O Te Koutu
Jordan Forster Western Heights High School
Taupo Netball Centre
Lacey Tupe Taupo-nui-a-tia College
Meadow Peacocke Taupo-nui-a-tia College